Custom Recipes Stonecutter: Bricks1 Terracotta → 1 Brick Block Cobbled Deepslate1 Deepslate → 1 Cobbled Deepslate Gravel1 Cobblestone → 1 Gravel Raw Ore1 [type] Ingot → 1 [type] Raw Ore Sand1 Gravel → 1 Sand Furnace/Blast: Blackstone1 Basalt → 1 Blackstone Diamond1 Coal Block → 1 Diamond[100 minutes] Dead Bush1 [type] Sapling → 1 Dead Bush Leather1 Rotten Flesh → 1 Leather Crafting Table: Bone Block9 Bones → 3 Bone Blocks Blue Ice1 Blue Ice → 9 Packed Ice Coral1 [type] Coral Block → 4 [type] Coral Coral Block8 Bone Blocks + 1 [type] Coral Block → 9 [type] Coral Block Coral Fan1 [type] Coral → 2 [type] Coral Fan Calcite4 Dripstone Blocks + 4 Stone + 1 Bone Block → 9 Calcite Clay8 [type] Terracotta + 1 Ice → 8 Clay Deepslate3 Clay + 3 Stone + 3 Basalt → 9 Deepslate Deepslate Ore4 or 8 [type] Material + 1 Deepslate → 1 [type] Deepslate Ore Dispenser3 Sticks + 3 Strings + 1 Dropper → 1 Dispenser Enchanted Golden Apple8 Blocks of Gold + 1 Apple → 1 Enchanted Golden Apple Gilded Blackstone9 Gold Nuggets + 1 Blackstone → 1 Gilded Blackstone Heart of the Sea4 Blue Ice + 4 Sea Lanterns + 1 Block of Diamond → 1 Heart of the Sea Horse Armor1 Lead + 1 Saddle + 6 [type] Material → 1 [type] Horse Armor Light1 End Rod + 1 Shroomlight + 1 Glowstone + 1 Sea Lantern + 1 Torch → 32 Lights Nether Ore2 or 4 [type] Material + 1 Netherrack → 1 Nether [type] Ore Ore4 or 8 [type] Material + 1 Stone → 1 [type] Ore Otherside Music Disc2 Deepslate Diamond Ore + 2 Deepslate Emerald Ore + 1 Powder Snow Bucket + 1 Raw Copper + 1 Amethyst Shard + 1 Spore Blossom + 1 Disc (11) → 1 Disc (Otherside) Packed Ice1 Packed Ice → 9 Ice Podzol1 [type] Leaves + 1 Dirt → 1 Podzol Quartz8 Sand + 1 Smooth Stone → 9 Blocks of Quartz Red Nether Brick2 Nether Bricks + 2 Nether Wart Blocks → 4 Red Nether Bricks Sandstone1 [type] Sandstone → 4 [type] Sand Sand Conversion8 [type] Sand + 1 [type] Dye → 8 [type] Sand Soul Soil2 Soul Sand + 2 Gravel → 4 Soul Soil Sponge5 [type] Coral Blocks + 4 [type] Wool → 1 Sponge Block