
Prawnbot has been integrated into our Discord by FelineAstronomer. Below is a list of all the bot commands that have been implemented so far. This list continues to be updated. Newly added commands: !hat and !sb

General Commands:

Command Description
!calc Performs a calculation based on input
!donate Provides a donation link and server information
!faq Displays some frequently asked questions
!features Returns a list of Prawnbot's features
!help Returns help dialogue
!hint Posts a random hint about things Prawnbot can do
!info Displays information about Prawncrafters
!ping Returns pong
!rules Displays the rules
!stats Displays Prawnbot statistics (WIP)

Minecraft Commands:

Command Description
!beacon Calculates number of blocks required for a beacon of a given level
!creative flat Teleports you to the flat, plot-style area on the creative server
!creative build Teleports you to the regular terrain area on the creative server
!datapacks Returns a full list of data packs, as well as their purposes/uses on Survival
!editsign Edits a sign that you are currently standing inside of through Discord
!hat Swaps the item in your main hand with the item on your head
!map Displays the link to the world map
!list Returns a list of players currently online
!portalcalc Calculates the corresponding portal coordinates in the overworld or the nether
!realroulette 1/6 chance of being killed (/kill) if you're on the server
!recipe Returns custom Prawncrafter recipe
!sb Calculates how many shulker boxes are required to hold n items
!status Returns detailed server information
!spawn Returns spawn coordinates for all four spawns
!verifydiscord Used to associate Minecraft usernames with Discord accounts
!wiki Returns a link (or search) on the Minecraft wiki

Fun Commands:

Command Description
!6ball May or may not give the right answer
!8ball Ask and ye shall receive an answer!
!battleroyale Engages all Discord members in a battle royale (teams mode available)
!carlsagan Displays a random Carl Sagan quote
!fact Displays a fact of unverified accuracy
!google Returns a Google search link on a query
!musk Displays a random tweet by Elon Musk
!proverb Displays a proverb of questionable usefulness
!roll Rolls out of n (invalid n defaults to 100)
!roulette 1/6 chance of being shot
!thonk Provides a question you might expect from a certain someone